Next Steps

Find your unique design, where you belong in the body of Christ, and how to impact your world for Christ.

4 Step Process

Our process involves 4 steps that are strategically designed to take you from to active team member.

Next Steps is offered over the first 3 Sundays of the month.

    • Step 1 – “Connect to the Church” is covered the first Sunday of the month.
    • Step 2 – “Discover Your Design” is covered the second Sunday of the month.
    • Steps 3 and 4 – “Go, Influence, Lead” and “Impact Your World” are covered on the third Sunday.

Registration is only required for the first Sunday. Each step is a pre-requisite for the next step. Once you have completed Steps 1-3, you will be connected with opportunities to serve others through our Difference Maker teams.

After registration, our Connection Pastor, Leighton Stacey, will be in contact with you regarding Next Step details and the required materials.

Connect to the Church

Where do you belong? Find your connection in the body of Christ and what that looks like here at Pursue Life Church.

Discover Your Design

God made you with a unique design for a specific purpose. Discover what it is and how you can start walking in it.

Go, Influence, Lead

Have you identified your spheres of influence and planned practical strategies to influence and lead the people around you toward Christ?

Impact Your World

Difference Makers join together to serve their community in specific, practical ways. Are you ready to join a team at PLC to impact others with God’s love?